Did you know that successful people at the top level are readers ?
1. Mark Zuckerberg.

They will tell you about Mark and Facebook but they would not tell you about his habits of reading.
Mark reads a book in a week and that's equivalent to 50 books in a year.

2. Ben Carson.

They will tell you how magical Ben is but they would not tell you what made him great.
He reads books since a child. From being a "F" student to an "A" through reading his mum put away the TV just to allow him and his siblings to concentrate on reading.

3. Mark Cuban.

They will tell you about the riches Mark Cuban is but without telling you about how he arrived there.

He is also a great reader.

3. Oprah winfrey.

They will point out to you how influencial oprah is without letting you know how she gets there.

She is a greater reader. 
In one of her interviews, she said that reading is the path to freedom and reading books gave her the possibility to move forward and achieve more in life.

3. Barack Obama.

Don't you know that barack is the only great leader who modernized African Americans ?
Well he learned many things from books. 
Reading makes him great.

4. Warren buffet.

" To become a rich, find yourself a book. Value-added books ".
Sure buffet reads 5-6 hours a day.
What is his annual income ? 
Books help accrued his wealth.

5. Elon Musk.

Is elon a scientist ? 
No. He built a spaceship and satellites by reading and learning. 
He reads a lot of books. 
He also reads 5-6 hrs a day. 
Imagine reading the whole day ?

6. Bill Gates.

The former Microsoft CEO is a great reader.
He reads one book a week. That's equivalent to 50 books in a year.

There are thousands of people who made it through books.

" Book is the ticket to anywhere and anything ".

Now that we realize what make people great, we should read a lot of books.

Instead of copying successful people's lifestyle better focus on their life story..