5 Ways To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind.

5 Ways To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind:
1. Filter your thoughts.

Changing the contents of your mind is the first step toward a new life.

Keep an eye on your mind,

and never let low vibrational thoughts (guilt, shame, fear, doubt, self-hate, judgment) pollute it.

2. Gain clarity

Life is meaningless without a sense of direction and purpose.

Reconnecting with your inner guide will provide you with the clarity needed to make life-altering decisions.

• Less screen time
• Write to get clear 
• Do one thing at a time 
• Write a journal

3. Visualize.

The subconscious's creative force is imagination.

Spend about 10-15 minutes simulating your desired reality. 

Engage all of your senses and live in the moment.
Do this both before and after going to bed.

Surrender your worries, and your subconscious will immediately begin working to make that reality a reality.

4. Keep a high vibe company.

Every human interaction is an exchange of energy.

Spend time with people who make you feel alive.

Believe in your body's reaction to other people's energy.

Keep your distance if something doesn't feel right.

5. Spend time in silence.

Silence forces you to confront your thoughts - running away from your emotions only serves to bury them deep within.

Instead, feel your emotions, then remain detached and allow them to pass through you.
You'll develop more emotional stability as a result, and your willpower and discipline will become more consistent.

Thanks for reading.