Women, read this if you're having problems with your marriage

Dear Women
If you are having issues in your marriage, try working it out if it does not involve domestic violence, life as a single mother is hard, divorce hits harder at times 

If he cheats there are ways to handle such situations, this may not be the popular opinion of park your load and go

Take a chill pill and read, calm down yes I mean you, ask yourselves this question can you stay being a single mother, do your children deserve a life without a father figure in it?

It’s not as simple as online in-laws will make it seems, sometimes not always your character can bring about that change in your home

You may get a lot of advice from people who cares but choose the one you work with, yes think of the happy times what changed, is your relationship lacking that spice? Bring it back, is it lacking the friendship? Build it back, is it lacking understanding and place of value? Work on it

You can make your marriage work again if you become a fool, loose the fight and win the war, two wise persons can not be in a relationship 

I know so many women are angry at this post right now but calm down , read slowly without anger
Focus on making yourself happy yes it hurts having your partner cheats on you and I agree, you have the right to be hurt but don’t make permanent decisions on a temporary situation 

Some women leave their cheating partners only to date married men who can take care of their needs hmm from fry pan to fire because the prayer the woman you are ruining her home is making on you is detrimental to you and your kids.

Change give yourself that treats dress well in your lovely night wears with your perfume a sweet smelling savor relax eat well find joy in your children 

Try this for 3 months and come back if it does not work I am certain it does I have counsel women who tried this formula, when he is going to work in the morning bless him pray for him “ he will wonder why you are becoming so nice” sometimes we take out the place of God in relationships and expect good results couples who pray together finds it difficult to hurt each other if they both love the lord

Cook his meal and gist with him when arguments arise smile and apologize yes even when you are right it’s the end result that matters, try changing your conversation from who’s that girl, remind him with actions good memories you have had together recreate it soon your efforts will bring results. Stay on your knees in prayers too. May God restor every broken relationships. Shalom

©️Treasure Eleojo Abraham