8 Lessons learned From The Book "How To Talk To Anyone"

8 Lessons learned From The Book "How To Talk To Anyone" 

1. "Take consolation from the fact that the brighter the individual, the more he or she detests small talk."

2. "Keep good eye contact."

3. "Great posture, a heads-up look, a confident smile, and a direct gaze." The ideal image for somebody who's a Somebody."

4. "When you act as though you like someone, you start to really like them."

5. "So how do you find out what someone does for a living? (I thought you’d never ask.) 

You simply practice the following eight words. All together now: "How . . . do . . . you . . . spend . . . most . . . of . . . your . . . time?"

6. "The exact moment that two humans lay eyes on each other has awesome potency."

7. "When we find people with the supernatural powers of perception to recognize our remarkableness, we become addicted to the heady drug of their appreciation."

8. "when meeting someone, our brains are in overdrive. Remember Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar? 

He said of Cassius, he "has a lean and hungry look . . . he thinks too much . . . such men are dangerous."

Source: Library Mindset 

BOOK: https://amzn.to/3YGlgwU