10 Life Changing Lessons From the Book “The 48 Laws of Power”

1. Never outshine the master

Never make yourself look too much better than your master.

Instead, make your masters appear more brilliant. Do things that make them look good in front of their own masters.

In return, they will reward you as they see that you are valuable to them.

2. Never put too much trust in friends

Don’t rely on friends to always tell you the truth and do you favours. Doing so makes you vulnerable and susceptible to manipulation.

At the end of the day, everyone will do what is in their best interests.

3. Learn how to use enemies

Enemies can actually be great allies. You know that the relationship is strictly business so u never expect any more than that.

In addition, an enemy will have a lot more to prove to you; by working with them, you give them an incentive to work well.

4. Conceal Your Intentions

You never know what other people are thinking or if they will be offended by what you reveal.

Thus, it is best to simply use a front that is different from what you truly want.

Then focus on your self-interest in your own mind.

5. Always say less than necessary

When you say something, you can never take it back.

People have heard it and they will remember it.

That is why you must choose your words very carefully.

6. Guard your Reputation with your life

Make your reputation a powerful blessing.

Bring it up so that people see you as someone who is strong, smart, and respected.

Such a reputation will in turn fuel your growth as the world opens up to make achieving your goals much easier.

7. Court attention at all costs

Get as many eyes on u as possible.

Make sure people know who u are and give u their attention.

That will make u stand out from the crowd as people take notice of u, giving u many more opportunities to grow, succeed, and achieve whatever you want

8. Get others to do the work for you, but always take the credit

Strive to be that person, the one who is seen as responsible for the success of things.

Let other people do the heavy lifting for you while knowing that the fruits go to the person who gets credit.

9. Make other people come to you, use bait if necessary

Whenever you are in negotiations or meetings, get the other person to come into your territory and play your game.

That way, you are the one in control while they have to stretch over to your side.

10. Win through your actions, never through argument

Actions always speak louder than words.

If you’re going to try to prove something, never stretch yourself trying to explain things with words.

Show them through your actions.

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