10 Lessons I learned from the book " The Top 10 Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class"

1.   Millionaires do not increase their spending when their income increases, they increase their investing.

2.  Millionaires talk about ideas. The middle class talks about things and other people.

3.  Millionaires believe they must be generous. The middle  class believes they can't afford to give.

4.  Millionaires Continually learn and grow. The middle Class thinks learning ended with school.

5.  Millionaires embrace Change. The middle class is threatened by change.

6.  Millionaires think long term. The middle class thinks short term. 

7.   Millionaires work for profits. The middle class works for wages.

8.  Millionaires focus on ind increasing their net worth. The middle class focuses on increasing it's paychecks

9.  Millionaires take risks. The middle class is afraid to take risks.

10. Rich and very rich people have developed the discipline of delayed gratification. Millionaires do today what others don’t, so they can have tomorrow what others won’t.

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